The 2024 ALPOA, Inc. board meets on the 2nd Thursday each month at 1:00 PM in the Spencer meeting room for anyone who would like to attend. The next meeting is April 11.
ALPOA is joining up with the ALGCC Scholarship Committee to raffle off chances to be the first person to get to go down the slide at our new swimming pool on Opening Day! The winner may take the first trip down the slide or select someone else (child, grandchild, Tom B?) to take the plunge. Tickets will go on sale April 20 and will be available from any ALPOA Board Member or Scholarship Committee Member. Tickets are 1 for $5, or 5 for $20.
BINGO will be Tuesday, May 21. The proceeds go to the Alto Lakes Scholarship Committee, which distributes funds to deserving ALGCC employees in college.
will be 18. Lunch will be provided for all attendees. Watch the Avalanche for more details.
What is ALPOA?
The dues ($35/year) collected allows ALPOA to provide additional value to the Alto Lakes Golf & Country Club community with projects like improvements to the Pavilion at Outlaw. The most noticeable past projects include the ALG&CC signage and the fishing dock at The Outlaw. ALPOA also regularly contributes to local charities and the Bonito Volunteer Fire Department.
Not an ALPOA Member?
Click [HERE] and scroll down to “Join ALPOA.” Your $35/property annual dues will be included on your next statement. If you are unsure of your membership status, please check our current membership list [HERE], or feel free to contact an ALPOA board member.
If you would like to make an additional donation, you can mail a check to: ALPOA, PO Box 499, Alto, NM 88312.