1/1/2023 1:00:00 AM by ALPOA

January 2023

Wow! It is hard to believe that Santa has come and gone and we are making plans for 2023!
OFFICERS/BOARD MEMBERS – The ALPOA, Inc. 2023 officers will be me (Dale Gibson) as President, Elaine Wedgeworth as VP, Dianna Gibson as Treasurer and new member Susanne Mathis replacing Susan Poole as Secretary. Contributing their time and efforts as returning board/committee members are Tom & Amy Fox, Matt & Julie Pursley, Gracie Rheingans, and Albert & Deb Wight. New board members are Glen Parry, Gina Massey, and Mary Jane Shaver. Our roster would not be complete without acknowledging the talent and effort with a special nod to the permanent ALPOA Creative Director – Dedra Mergele!  Please feel free to reach out to any ALPOA board member if you have a suggestion or idea for a project, an outreach, or an activity.

Read on for the full January 2023 ALPOA article.

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