10/1/2023 1:00:00 AM by ALPOA

October 2023

The ALPOA Board of Directors has voted to waive new member dues for the 4th quarter!  That means if you are not a member, you can join ALPOA without incurring any dues until 2024!  The board also voted, for the first time in ALPOA’s history, to increase the annual dues to $35.
The dues collected will allow ALPOA to provide additional value to the Alto Lakes Golf & Country Club community with projects like walking trails, a dog park and playground in cooperation with the Alto Lakes Water & Sanitation District, and the proposed use of the recently purchased racetrack property across from Kokopelli. ALPOA also regularly contributes to local charities and the Bonito Volunteer Fire Department.

Click the link for the full ALPOA October 2023 article.

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