7/6/2023 12:17:30 PM by Executive Chef Damian Alvarado

July 2023

Chef Damian Alvarado has some hot takes when it comes to grilling fundamentals.

Welcome to Clubhouse at ALGCC Eats, where we celebrate the game’s most delectable food and drink. Hope you brought your appetites.
With summer underway and the Fourth of July just under our belts, we asked Damian for an overview of grilling fundamentals. Here are seven of his hottest takes.

Click the link to read Executive Chef Damian Alvarado's seven hot takes on summer grilling! 


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11/1/2022 1:00:00 AM by ALGCC

Lobster - Warm and Cold

Lobster: defined by Webster’s dictionary as “a large marine crustacean with a cylindrical body, stalked eyes, and the first of its five pairs of limbs modified as pincers.”  In layman’s terms, a yummy seafood dish, typically paired with corn on the cob or mashed potatoes, stirred into macaroni and cheese, or just by itself dunked in rich, melted butter.  Delicious!
Did you know, though, that there is more to lobster than meets the tastebud?  According to the Marine Education Society of Australasia, the world’s oceans hold approximately 75 different species of the table-gracing crustacean, ranging from the warm waters of the Caribbean to the frigid depths off the coast of Maine.

Click the link above to learn about Lobster at Alto!

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5/10/2022 1:22:13 AM by ALGCC Kitchen

A Brief History of the Table Setting

Gleaming glasses and polished silverware.  Napkins folded just so.  Plates exactly spaced and set.  The table setting is something we all expect to see when we make our way into a fine dining establishment.  But do you know the history behind why tables are set that way?

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4/1/2022 8:00:00 AM by ALGCC Kitchen

Mirepoix: A Staple in Cooking

If you have eaten a meal here at Alto, you know that our kitchen prides itself on delicious, innovative dishes and excellent service.  To accomplish this, Chef Damian and his cook staff make a lot of their dishes and the ingredients they are composed of from scratch.

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3/1/2022 11:32:04 AM by Chef Damian Alvarado

Induction Cooking

Hello, I am Chef Damian Alvarado.  I would like to share with our member community one of the techniques that we practice in our kitchen, which is called Induction cooking.  We use this technique to give exquisite flavor to our lobster, shrimp, and scallop dishes, just to name a few.

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Let's check in with the Chef to see what's on the menu!

July 2023
Lobster - Warm and Cold
A Brief History of the Table Setting
Mirepoix: A Staple in Cooking
Induction Cooking
Posted: 7/6/2023 12:17:30 PM by Executive Chef Damian Alvarado
Posted: 11/1/2022 1:00:00 AM by ALGCC
Posted: 5/10/2022 1:22:13 AM by ALGCC Kitchen
Posted: 4/1/2022 8:00:00 AM by ALGCC Kitchen
Posted: 3/1/2022 11:32:04 AM by Chef Damian Alvarado