Coming in August
Neighborhood clean-up is scheduled for Saturday morning of August 26th!
Keep an eye out for details and make plans to help us keep ALG&CC beautiful.
Burgers, Brats & Bingo is scheduled for Tuesday evening of August 29th!
Make your reservations early for this popular Scholarship fundraiser.
July 4th Parade and Rally Around the Flag Celebration - Recap
The ALPOA-sponsored 4th of July golf cart parade and Rally ‘Round the Flag celebration was, once again, a smashing success! We anticipate some changes next year that will help keep the parade flowing more smoothly. Thank you to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the winners of the golf cart decorating contest –
Ned Rollins with 1st place, Burns Hamilton in 2nd place, and Kim Lagasse with 3rd place!
War of the Thistles
If the monsoon season ever gets here and the thistles do take off – vinegar is available to help you control them! Please use caution -this vinegar is 20% industrial strength = 4x stronger than 5% household vinegar. Please consider diluting this vinegar 1:1 with water (1 gal vinegar: 1 gal H2O) and your end product @ 10% will still be 2x as strong as what is available at retail.
Please do not abuse the free vinegar program and limit yourself to 1 gallon per visit!
Here is the thistle eradication recipe:
1/2 gal vinegar + 1/2 gal H2O = 1 gal finished solution
2 tbsp Dawn dishwashing liquid
1 cup Salt (plain or Epsom)
*NOTE* It is also very helpful to snip the buds/purple flowers and bag them for the trash before they turn into more thistle seeds!
Our list of “Angels” keeps growing!
In keeping with our mission of community outreach, ALPOA presents ALPOA Angels. These are volunteers who can help you around your house with activities such as adding salt to a water softener, salting a driveway, and even changing light bulbs that require climbing on a ladder.
To qualify for this volunteer help, you must be:
• a member of ALPOA
• at least 65 years old or have a physical disability or illness that would prevent you from performing these tasks.
If you would like more information on this program or want volunteer your time to help, contact Susanne Mathis at 575-686-8198 or at [email protected]. We want to help YOU!
PROJECTS, OUTREACH & ACTIVITIES – Projects currently under consideration include a children’s playground, a dog park, and improvements to the Pavilion at The Outlaw. We hope that you will take the time to participate in some of our projects and activities, as well as support local charities through our outreach efforts by becoming a member. The membership of $25/year/property was included on your December statement for all current members. Membership can be initiated simply by calling the office at 575-336-4231 or by clicking [HERE] and scrolling to the middle of the page.
If you are unsure of your membership status, please check our current membership list [HERE] ….or feel free to contact an ALPOA board member.
If you would like to make an additional donation, you can mail a check to: ALPOA, PO Box 499, Alto, NM 88312